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Video Porteiro para moradia DS-KIS602 Hikvision


Sistema com possibilidade de aceder remotamente através do seu telemóvel (Android e iOS ), usando apenas a app móvel, que permite atender chamadas e abrir a porta de sua casa em qualquer lugar que esteja


Composto por:

  • 1 x Unidade exterior DS-KD8003-IME1 / Surface 1
  • 1 x DS-KABD8003-RS1 Para proteção de chuva
  • 1 x Unidade interior DS-KH6320-WTE1
  • 1 x Switch PoE de 4 portas + fonte
  • 1 x Caixa de superfície DS-KD-ACW1
  • 1 x Cartão TF 16GB



  • Possibilidade de abrir a porta em qualquer lugar através da app
  • Envio de notificações sempre que alguém toque na sua campainha
  • Registo de imagem de quem toca à sua campainha
  • Capacidade de comunicação bidirecional através da app
  • Permite monitorização da sua câmara em tempo real através da app


Ficha DS-KIS602 EN (PDF)

Brochura Video Porteiro segunda geração (PDF)


Equipamento de instalação e configuração Profissionais.


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Video Porteiro DS-KIS602 - Sistema IP com gestão remota. Hikvision

Excluding VAT
  • Outras especificações:


    Marca    Hikvision
    Modelo    DS-KD8003-IME1/Surface
    Sistema operativo    LINUX OS
    Sensor de imagem    Iluminação Baixa 2 Mpx IR
    Funções de imagem    BLC / WDR / DNR
    Ângulo de visão    D: 180º, H: 96º
    Áudio    Áudio bidireccional com microfone e alto-falante
    Teclado    Botão mecânico de chamada com etiqueta de personalização LED
    Saídas    2 de relé / 1 saída de módulo


    Marca    Hikvision
    Modelo    DS-KH6320-WTE1
    Sistema operativo    LINUX OS
    LCD    7" 1024x600, Capacitiva
    Modo de operação    Botão tátil
    Entradas    8 Entradas de alarme configuráveis
    Áudio    Áudio bidireccional com microfone e alto-falante com redução de ruído



    Ideal para moradias, armazéns, escritórios,  habitação...


    Equipamento de instalação e configuração profissional, consulte-nos para serviços de manutenção e instalação.


    Consulte-nos para outros sistemas e equipamentos.

VAT is added to the indicated prices at the prevailing rate.
In case of interest in any of our products, you can always confirm all specifications and values by email:
For payments, if you prefer, ask us about availability confirmation and invoice.
For exports, Clients must have an active professional tax number and comply with the regulations of the country of destination.

The dispatch of orders may vary depending on the product and warehouse availability:
  • For products with stock, the order is normally shipped within 2 working days.
  • For out-of-stock or made-to-order products, the deadline is previously agreed with the Customer.
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About us
Kedacom Solutions is a trading and technical support company, for implementation, integration and technical service within the scope of technological and security solutions.

We use the Innov Solutions banner to promote and online trading for the represented solutions.
We have service and teams distributed geographically for technical support and preventive maintenance, in Portugal and Spain.
We have experience and professional solutions for the segments of electronic, physical security, biometrics and RFID technologies for access control and attendance, we highlight:

Fire and gas detection and alarm, intrusion detection and alarm, EAS anti-theft systems, access control and attendance, CCTV video surveillance, network and systems infrastructure, cash transfer trays, safes and locks, data protection, IBNS systems, technical service and maintenance ...
Everything we do for You...
Crime can be, and is, an inevitable consequence of civilization and the time we live in.
It is part of our lives, often the result of insufficient public security resources, increased inequalities and social opportunities, and opportunity.
For crime prevention and mitigation, we must think about the security of residential and professional spaces where the investment in systems must be carried out in an intelligent and balanced way with the use and risk of each installation.
That is, each User profile, space or business, can define and change the degrees of security considered relevant for the protection of their facilities.
We consider that a risk analysis and vulnerability assessment are essential for the correct implementation of a security solution that involves, in addition to the system, the observation of rules and habits of each User.
In the development of our activity we intend to be recognized with reference and vocational services in the areas of security and technologies.
Our goal, and commitment, is to always add more:
  • Quality, efficiency and value creation

  • Comprehensive offerings of security services and solutions
  • Social and environmental responsibility.
The accumulated experience of our teams, ongoing training in the business segments and in the solutions we implement, are decisive arguments for offering quality and guaranteeing our systems and services.
Likewise, the selection of the best solutions, the permanent commitment to loyalty and the code of ethics with all Business Partners, the strong orientation towards Customers, are also fundamental values on which we base all relationships and business.
Your safety is paramount!
We are specialists in the selection and implementation of security equipment systems and technology, in the professional and consumer chain.
We operate directly or in partnership in the segments of premium, innovative and value-added products and solutions.
We assume as our main mission that the quality of the products and services we promote must always be positively distinctive and differentiating factors.
Quality and reliability are, in addition to objectives, the pillars and guarantees of our business.
More information:
Mafra +351 261 060 112

For complaints related to orders, invoices, service, or any other matter, please send an email to .  

You can also file your complaint and/or request information about issues related to the services in the Online Complaints Book .

The products and services shown are subject to updates, may be deleted or replaced without prior notice.
Licensed or regulated technical specialty services can be performed through accredited outsourcing and with the necessary permit as per the legislation in force.
Recommended Resolution / Recommended Resolution: WSXGA 1440 x 900 - 8:5
Better experience in Chrome / Recommended Resolution: WSXGA 1440 x 900 - 8:5
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